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Asthma Data
Quick Facts
How common is asthma in Minnesota?
- Approximately one in 16 children (6.3%)1 and one in 10 adults (9.9%)1 currently have asthma, adding up to around 516,200 Minnesotans who have asthma.2
- Overall, the prevalence of asthma among Minnesota adults has been rising.3
- In 2019, there were 17,023 asthma-related emergency visits, and 1,754 asthma-related hospitalizations in Minnesota. In 2020, during COVID-19, numbers dropped, This was consistent across the country and is attributed to factors related to the pandemic. In 2021, rates partially rebounded with 13,534 emergency department visits and 1,305 hospital visits for asthma.4
- Asthma deaths in Minnesota climbed from 61 in 2018 to a peak of 82 in 2020. In 2021, deaths fell to 53.
- 21% of those who died were age 85 or older.
- 53% of those who died were age 65 or older.
- 83% of those who died were age 45 or older.
- There were no deaths attributed to asthma among children less than five.5
Asthma Disparities in Minnesota
- Complex factors including structural, social, and political determinants of health such as racism, education, health care access, home and community environments, and income drive Minnesota's asthma disparities.
The likelihood of having asthma differs by race/ethnicity
- Middle and high school students identifying as Pacific Islander, African American, or American Indian are more likely than other students to have been diagnosed with asthma. Within racial/ethnic groups, rates of diagnosis, varied greatly by country of origin or tribe. At 25% students from Puerto Rico were most likely to report an asthma diagnosis, followed by African American students (23%), and students from students (22%). 6
- Adults identifying as multi-racial adults are far more likely than other adults to have been diagnosed with asthma.7
There are significant differences in the rates of hospitalizations and emergency department visits for asthma by region of the state
- In 2021,
- Rates of asthma-related emergency visits for adults in the seven-county metropolitan area and adults in Greater Minnesota were nearly the same, while the rate of asthma hospitalizations for adults in the metropolitan area was over 35% higher. 3
- The rate of asthma-related emergency visits for children in the seven-county metropolitan area was 60% higher than the rate in Greater Minnesota, and the rate of hospitalizations was over 140% higher.8
- During the period 2017 through 2021, rates of asthma-related emergency visits for children living in Minneapolis zip codes ranged up to 220 visits per 10,000 children. The state rate for all Minnesota children was 37 visits per 10,000.8
Explore the Data
State Resources:
Fact Sheets
- Asthma in Minnesota Infographic (PDF) - Updated 4/2024 - An infographic that helps highlight asthma in Minnesota. Use this tool to inform and educate your partners and community around the burden of asthma.
- Asthma in Minnesota Fact Sheet (PDF) - Updated 4/2024
- Asthma among Middle & High School Students (PDF) - Updated 4/2024. Data in this fact sheet come from the 2022 Minnesota Student Survey.
- Asthma by Race and Ethnicity: Results from 2022 Minnesota Student Survey - New fact sheet - 4/2024
Evaluation of Offering AEI Scholarships
Asthma Educator Institute Survey Infographic (PDF), a survey in March 2023 was conducted to better understand successes of offering scholarships to the American Lung Association’s Asthma Educator Institute (AEI).
Minnesota Health Care Quality Measures
- Optimal Asthma Control Measure Specifications - 2024 Measurement Year (PDF)
- Asthma Education and Self-Management Specifications 2025 Report Year/2023 Measurement Year (PDF)
Minnesota Community Measurement
- Minnesota Community Measurement
- Minnesota Health Care Disparities - Results for Care Delivered in 2022 | Report Released October 2023
Minnesota Public Health Data Access Portal
MN Public Health Data Access Portal – Asthma in Minnesota
The data access portal provides additional information on Asthma Emergency Department visits and Asthma Hospitalizations in Minnesota. Explore the data by viewing charts, interactive and static maps, or by selecting an asthma query (state or one or more counties).
National Resources:
American Lung Association:
Allergy & Asthma Network:
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health
1 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2021
2United States Federal Census Quick Facts, 2023
3Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
4 Minnesota Public Health Data Access, 2019-2021
5Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC WONDER Online Database
6Minnesota Student Survey, 2022
7Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2021
8Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics, CDC WONDER Online Database, Underlying cause of Health, 2018-2021.