Climate & Health
- Home
- About Us
- Climate and Health in Minnesota
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Air Quality
- Diseases Spread by Ticks and Mosquitoes
- Extreme Heat Events
- Water Changes
- Wellbeing
- Discussing Climate Change with Patients
- Minnesota Outdoor Air Quality Guidance for Schools and Child Care
- Climate and Health Stories
- Planning Tools and Publications
- Trainings and Resources
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Environmental Health Division
Climate and Health
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Changes occurring in Minnesota’s climate are affecting our health and well-being and will have even greater impacts in the future. The Minnesota Climate & Health Program is focused on improving our ability to protect public health and prevent future harms from climate change.
Climate and health impacts
Climate and Health Overview.
Minnesota climate changes and health impacts.
Agriculture and Food Security
Climate change impacts on food production and security.
Air Quality
Climate change impacts on air.
Diseases Spread by Ticks and Mosquitoes
Climate change impacts on vector-borne diseases.
Extreme Heat Events
Extreme Heat planning tool, a toolkit, maps, and more.
Water Changes
Health effects of changes in precipitation.
Climate change impacts on sense of place, disasters, and loss.
About Us
About the Minnesota Climate & Health Program and agency activities.
Climate and health resources
Discussing Climate Change with Patients
Resources to talk about health and climate change with your patients.
Climate and Health Stories
Stories of MDH staff integrating climate change into their work.
Planning Tools and Publications
Planning tools and data sources for professionals across sectors.
Trainings and Resources
Training modules, fact sheets, and additional resources.
Of interest
Whitepaper updated January 2022: Advancing Health & Disaster Resiliency in Minnesota: Co-producing Climate & Health Information for the Emergency Management Sector (PDF).