Health Care Homes Sustainability Work Group
Objective: To inform and improve the overall sustainability of certified HCH clinics, their community partnerships, and the ability to move effectively towards value-based care, improved population health, and health equity across Minnesota.
The Sustainability Work Group will:
- Identify and leverage resources that support clinics in implementing and sustaining the Health Care Home (HCH) model.
- Support innovations which positively influence the sustainability objectives.
- Promote alignment with emerging state and federal value-based or alternative payment models.
- Recommend best practices and evidence-based workflows which support and sustain practice transformation with the goal of improving health outcomes and equity.
- Advise on policies and procedures that impact sustainability.
- Ensure perspectives of diverse populations (people of color, age, sexual orientation, urban vs. rural, etc.) are considered in recommendations for policy and payment models.
- Assist with identifying and aligning effective approaches to sustainability to promote long term success of health care homes, minimize additional burden on primary care clinics, and support provider resiliency.
- Provide guidance on increasing investment in equitable, patient and family-centered, team-based primary care.
Last Updated: 12/10/2024