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Quarterly Surveillance Report
Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024
Quarterly summary of the epidemiology of the confirmed cases of TB disease reported to the Minnesota Department of Health from Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2024.
Updated 2/2025
NOTE: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
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Tuberculosis Quarterly Surveillance Report, Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2024 (PDF) - Download PDF version (with previous year's data for comparison):
Tuberculosis Quarterly Surveillance Report with Data Comparison, Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2024 (PDF)
On this page:
Table 1. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Location of Residence, Minnesota
Table 2. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Race/Ethnicity, Minnesota
Table 3. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Age, Minnesota
Table 4. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Risk Category, Minnesota
Table 5. Number of Cases of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Minnesota
Table 6. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Site of Disease, Minnesota
Table 7. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Method of Case Identification, Minnesota
Q: This quarter
YTD: Year to date
Table 1. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Location of Residence, Minnesota
Location of Residence | Q Number | Q (%) | YTD Number | YTD (%) |
Hennepin County | 35 | (39) | 74 | (38) |
Ramsey County | 18 | (20) | 37 | (19) |
Other Metropolitan Counties* | 16 | (18) | 50 | (26) |
Olmsted County | 6 | (7) | 9 | (5) |
Other Counties | 15 | (17) | 25 | (13) |
Total | 90 | (100) | 195 | (100) |
*Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Scott, and Washington counties
Table 2. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Race/Ethnicity, Minnesota
Ethnicity | Q Number | Q (%) | YTD Number | YTD (%) |
White | 3 | (3) | 10 | (5) |
Black | 46 | (51) | 94 | (48) |
Hispanic/Latine | 24 | (27) | 44 | (23) |
Asian | 15 | (17) | 45 | (23) |
Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander | 2 | (2) | 2 | (1) |
American Indian | 0 | (0) | 0 | (0) |
Multi-Racial | 0 | (0) | 0 | (0) |
Total | 90 | (100) | 195 | (100) |
Table 3. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Age, Minnesota
Age | Q Number | Q (%) | YTD Number | YTD (%) |
<5 years | 6 | (7) | 7 | (4) |
5-14 years | 4 | (4) | 7 | (4) |
15-24 years | 16 | (18) | 29 | (15) |
25-44 years | 33 | (37) | 78 | (40) |
45-64 years | 17 | (19) | 35 | (18) |
>65 years | 14 | (16) | 39 | (20) |
Total | 90 | (100) | 195 | (100) |
Table 4. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Risk Category, Minnesota*
Risk Category | Q Number (n=90) | Q (%) | YTD Number (n=195) | YTD (%) |
Non-U.S.-born | 71 | (79) | 162 | (83) |
Substance use** | 8 | (9) | 14 | (7) |
Homelessness | 3 | (3) | 5 | (3) |
Living with HIV | 3 | (3) | 8 | (4) |
Other medical condition+ | 29 | (32) | 63 | (32) |
Incarceration | 2 | (2) | 3 | (2) |
Nursing home resident | 1 | (1) | 4 | (2) |
*Risk categories are not mutually exclusive
**Excess alcohol use or injection and/or non-injection drug use (not prescribed by health care provider or misuse of prescribed drugs)
+Silicosis, diabetes, prolonged corticosteroid therapy or other immunosuppressive therapy, hematologic/reticuloendothelial disease, end stage renal disease, substantial weight loss (not TB-related) or undernutrition
Table 5. Number of Cases of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Minnesota
Resistance Pattern | Q Number (n=57)* | Q (%) | YTD Number (n=141)* | YTD (%) |
Any drug resistance** | 2 | (4) | 11 | (8) |
Any INH resistance+ | 2 | (4) | 9 | (6) |
MDR-TB# | 1 | (2) | 3 | (2) |
*Culture-confirmed cases with drug susceptibility results available
**Resistant to at least one first-line anti-TB drug [i.e., isoniazid (INH), rifampin, pyrazinamide (PZA), or ethambutol]
+ May also have resistance to other drugs
# Primary multi-drug resistant TB (i.e., resistance to at least INH and rifampin from initial isolates of patients with no prior history of TB)
Table 6. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Site of Disease, Minnesota
Site of Disease | Q Number | Q (%) | YTD Number | YTD (%) |
Pulmonary | 49 | (54) | 99 | (51) |
Extrapulmonary | 29 | (32) | 67 | (34) |
Both* | 12 | (13) | 29 | (15) |
Site not specified | 0 | (0) | 0 | (0) |
Total | 90 | (100) | 195 | (100) |
*TB cases with both pulmonary and extrapulmonary sites of disease
Table 7. Number of Cases of Tuberculosis by Method of Case Identification, Minnesota
How Identified | Q Number | Q (%) | YTD Number | YTD (%) |
Presented with Symptoms | 74 | (82) | 167 | (86) |
TB Contact Investigation | 4 | (4) | 5 | (3) |
Refugee Health Exam (Domestic) | 0 | (0) | 1 | (1) |
Follow-up to Pre-Immigration Exam* | 2 | (2) | 3 | (2) |
Other** | 10 | (11) | 19 | (10) |
Total | 90 | (100) | 195 | (100) |
*Infectious, active TB disease ruled out overseas
**e.g., occupational screening, other targeted TB testing, etc.