Health Equity Initiatives and Projects
The following are some of the initiatives, projects, and councils coordinated by the Health Equity Strategy and Innovation Division.
Capacity Strengthening Initiative
This program provides training and resources to community-based organizations. You can find guidance here on applying for grants and contracts from MDH.
Community Solutions for Healthy Child Development Grants
An appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature funds grants to improve child development outcomes for children of color and American Indian children, from prenatal to grade three and their families.
COVID-19 Community Coordinators
COVID-19 Community Coordinators (CCC) are community-based organizations that connect Minnesota’s diverse communities to COVID-19 testing, vaccination, and other resources, as well as providing access and support for comprehensive health recovery post-pandemic.
COVID-19 Community Engagement and Diverse Media Grants
The COVID-19 Community Engagement and Diverse Media Grants Program aimed to increase community understanding of and engagement around COVID-19 and community recovery among Minnesota residents from communities of color, American Indian residents, LGBTQ residents, residents with disabilities, and residents with limited English proficiency.
Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative Grants
The Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative (EHDI) Grants Program allocates competitive grants aimed at improving the health status of Minnesota's populations of color and American Indians.
Health Equity Summit
This event was designed to bring together health equity champions from across Minnesota communities to connect, strengthen, and amplify our collective efforts.
Infant Mortality Among African Americans Project
Using a community engagement model of shared leadership and decision-making, we worked with community leaders and partners to develop and implement policy and systems solutions to reduce infant mortality among U.S.-born African Americans in Hennepin County.
Internal Health Equity Advisory & Leadership Team Hub (I-HEALTH)
We convene an internal team of staff from all divisions who help streamline coordination and foster greater collaboration of health equity efforts within the agency.
Minnesota Health Equity Networks
We work to connect, strengthen, and amplify health equity efforts and community issues using a regional and relational approach. The networks are a community of support for local public health, tribal public health, and community organizations to address long-standing health equity issues.