WIC Local Agencies
What You Need to Know...
- Implementation of WIC ARPA Waivers - Guidance Document (PDF)
- ARPA Waivers at a Glance (PDF)
- Suggested Process for Implementing ARPA Waivers (PDF)
- Minnesota WIC In-Person Services (Administrators) (PDF)
- Q & A: WIC ARPA Waivers (PDF)
- Evaluating Implementation of ARPA Waivers (PDF)
- Communication Resources for Resuming In-Person Services (PDF)
- Local Agency Guidance for Implementing DocuSign (PDF)
- Formula Guidance - Formula contract transition and shortages, communications, documentation, and support.
- Medical Formulas Available at Local Agencies
- Minnesota WIC Formula Summary (MOM - Exhibit 7B) (PDF)
- MN WIC Contract Formula Amounts Guide (PDF)
- Minnesota WIC Medical Formula Amounts Guide (PDF)
- Formula Amounts Guide: Maximum Amounts by Federal Regulation (PDF)
- Minnesota WIC Formulary and Medical Reasons for Issuance (PDF)
Staff Resources
- Education
- Videos/Photos
- Materials - storage guidelines, MN BF laws cards, thank you postcard, and clinic signs.
- Prescription Medications
- Potential Contraindications
- Materials
- Partners
- Breast Pumps: Orders and Claims Process
- Breastfeeding Resources (for participants)
- Breastfeeding Friendly Recognition Program
- Help Participants Use Benefits
- MOM Section 7: Food Package
- Proration of Food Package in Information System
- Understanding the WIC Food Package
- Increased Fruit and Vegetable Benefits - Staff Talking Points
- Pictorials (for CPA use)
- Quick Tips for CPAs
- WIC Foods (for Participants)
- USDA - WIC Food Packages
- NASEM - Review of WIC Food Packages Final Report
- Local Agency WINNIE Support - Phone number, email, hours of availability for assistance with WIC's Information System.
- MIS & Data Unit Communications - Important information and announcements sent via email to all WINNIE users and Weekly Update subscribers.
- Infoview
- Infoview Report Revisions and Corrections
- Hardware (Inventory, Site Planning/ Specifications/ Performance)
- Technical How-to's
- Minnesota WIC App
- WIC Transaction Troubleshooting Guide (PDF)
- Tips on Shopping for WIC Foods (PDF)
- Helpful Tips to Share with WIC Participants to Promote a Positive Shopping Experience (PDF)
- Shopping Help (for Participants) - Shopping Guides, checkout issues, using WIC Card, shopping tips, etc.
- Receipt Reading Guidance (PDF)
- The WIC Shopping Experience Module (55 minutes)
- Using Self-Checkout with the WIC Card
- Grocery Store Search
- MN WIC APL (EXCEL) - The APL lists all of the WIC allowed foods and includes UPCs and product descriptions.
- APL, Produce Mapping, & the App
- APL Changes and Transaction Errors (PDF)
- UPC Submission Form - Submit this form if you think a product should be added to the APL (you will be required to attach a clear picture of the label).
- Glossary of Vendor eWIC Terms
- Required Annually - Overview of training requirements by type of staff.
- Mom-Section 4.5: Staff Training
- Civil Rights Training
- Security Training
- Continuing Education Overview - Assessment, planning and documentation.
- Save the Date! New Trainings
- MDH Live Registrations
- MDH On Demand Learning
- Training for Staff Development
- Training Resources for Support Staff
- Conferences & Workshops
- Ethics Courses
- Free Online Training Resources for WIC Staff Development (PDF)
- Self-Study Courses to Purchase
- Accredited Education Programs for RDs
- Calendar
- Potential Duplicate Participants
- Local Use Questions
- Maintaining Referrals
- Maintaining Medical Clinics and Providers
- FileZilla
- Mobile Management
- Minnesota WIC App
- Security Training
- Accessibility (for MDH WIC State Office Staff)
Local Agency Spotlights
- Mobile Health Hub (Bloomington, Edina & Richfield)
- Reflective practice to empower WIC staff: Washington County
- How WIC Helps: A Story from a WIC CPA
- Utilization of Benefits (Dakota)
- Utilization of Benefits (St. Paul-Ramsey)
- WIC Kiosk for Outreach (Aitkin)
- Kiosks for Helping Apply for WIC (Olmsted)
- WIC Billboard (Nobles)
- Targeted Anemia Education (Anoka)
- Working with SHIP (Hennepin and Ramsey)
- Remote Services Model (Anoka)
- Success with TeleWIC! (North County)
- WIC Pop Up Clinics at Head Start Orientation (Olmsted)
WIC Forms for Local Agencies
- Minnesota WIC Participant Documents Submission Form
Use to collect participant documents for proofs electronically. NOTE: the form only allows attachments up to 10 MB and no more than 15 MB total per form to be sent in the email Local Agencies will receive. - Participant Signature Form
Use to capture participant/proxy signatures when unable to collect in the information system or to collect of Local Agency specific forms. For more information: Guidance - Participant Signature Form - Exhibit 5-B: Registers for Manual Signatures (WORD)
Word document for collected participant/proxy signatures. - Medical Data Form (WORD)
Document for local agency to customize for obtaining measurements from health care providers. - Exhibit 5II3: Manual Certification - Proof of Eligibility (PDF)
Use to collect household information if unable to complete a certification using the Information System. - Exhibit 5II1: Manual Certification - Infants and Children (PDF)
Use to collect information for infants and children if unable to complete a certification using the Information System. - Exhibit 5II2: Manual Certification - Women (PDF)
Use to collect information for women if unable to complete a certification using the Information System.
- eWIC Transaction Issue Form (PDF)
Collect participant information if they have an eWIC transaction issue. Enough detail must be provided so that MDH WIC staff can research the issue. - USDA FNS Program Discrimination Complaint Form
WIC staff can help a participant file a report of a possible civil rights violation, which will be submitted directly to USDA. - Minnesota WIC Help Desk Feedback Form
Provide feedback on MN WIC Help Desk call assistance. - WINNIE Questions for the State Office
Submit questions about the new Information System, WINNIE.
- Request to Increase Administrative Funds (RIAF) Form (PDF)
- MN WIC Operations Manual, Exhibit 2-C. Use to request an increase in authorized grant award to cover non-recurring costs related to program improvement or general infrastructure
- You must download and save this form to enable the electronic signature fields. Open using Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader and sign using an Adobe Digital Signature or Adobe Fill and Sign.
- Equipment/Supplies Request
Use this form to order hardware, computer peripherals, and miscellaneous supplies. Your State WIC Consultant, selected at the bottom of the form, will be notified by email of this request - Local Agency Hardware Support Agreement
This agreement should be used once a Local Agency decides to use their own computers for WIC and has contacted the State with this request. It outlines the requirements for using local computers with the WIC Information System and requires a signature (usually, the CHS Administrator or head of local IT signs). Once signed, it should be sent to the State Office for review and approval.
- Local Agency Reports & Data Request
Submit requests for Infoview ad-hoc reports or other data requests. - Request to Submit WIC User Access Changes
WIC Coordinators/Supervisors should submit this form to obtain a URL for the WIC Information User Requests Form. - WIC IS Software Change Request Form
Suggest potential changes to the WIC Information System (IS) using this form, including: software changes, nutrition education/materials given/goal topics, and options for drop-down lists. - Change Grantees, Agencies or Clinics in IS and/or on MDH Website
Add/update Grantees and Agencies, and add/update/deactivate Clinics, in the Information System and on the MDH WIC website. - My MN WIC App Suggestions
Suggest changes or enhancements to the My MN WIC App. - Local Agency My MN WIC Mobile App Custom Message Request
Submit requests to send agency-specific custom messages to participants.
- Medical Formula Order Form
Use to order medical formula from the State Office. - Brush Art (Materials)
Contact your Consultant for login. Use to order NE cards, shopping guides/ formula inserts, App brochures, Welcome to WIC, and outreach cards. - Agency Materials Order Form
Use to order a variety of WIC education materials. - Quarterly WIC Card Stock Order Form
Orders placed 4 times/year on 12/15, 3/15, 6/15 and 9/15. Shipments delivered ~6 weeks after order deadline.
- Add or Remove Medical Formulas Available at Local Agencies - Website List
Add or remove medical formulas from the list on the Medical Formulas Available at Local Agencies webpage. - Change WIC Staff on MDH Website
Add or update staff information that displays in the Minnesota WIC Local Agency Directory on the MDH WIC website. - Change Grantees, Agencies or Clinics in IS and/or on MDH Website
Add/update Grantees and Agencies, and add/update/deactivate Clinics, in the Information System and on the MDH WIC website.
- Minnesota WIC Participant Documents Submission Form
Recognition & Achievements
Contact Us
This Questions & Feedback form submits an email to the WIC Program's State Office.