Fish Consumption
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Fish Consumption Guidance
Minnesota fish consumption guidance is updated periodically. Check back regularly to know which fish you can eat safely.
Last guidance update: September 2024
Put Fish on Your Plate - Follow the Safe-Eating Guidelines to choose fish low in mercury and other contaminants.
Eating fish is good for you - benefits outweigh risks when eating fish low in mercury and other contaminants.
Fish are an important part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. They provide a good source of protein and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish are rich in calcium and phosphorus and are a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.
Eating fish is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients keep our heart and brain healthy.
Two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Our bodies don't produce these omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them through the food we eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in every kind of fish, but are especially high in fatty fish. Some good choices are salmon, trout, sardines, herring, canned mackerel, canned light tuna, and oysters.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
- Help maintain a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of sudden death, heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes.
- Aid healthy brain function and fetal development of vision and nerves during pregnancy.
- May decrease the risk of depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and diabetes.
- May prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of arthritis.
Health experts recommend that fish be included as part of a healthy diet:
- 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- American Heart Association
- Mayo Clinic: Omega-3 in fish: How eating fish helps your heart
For recipes and other information about eating fish, go to Choose Your Fish.
Recent updates: September 2024
Lus Hmoob: Qee leej neeg yuav tsum tsis txhob noj cov ntses ntawm tus dej no.
Español: Algunas personas no deben comer pescado de esta masa de agua.
Find local waterbodies with low PFAS
If you plan to eat the fish you catch at waterbodies with low PFAS, also check the Safe Eating Guidelines below for information about how many servings of those fish to safely eat for you and others you share your catch with.
Dakota Co. waterbodies
Hennepin Co. waterbodies
Ramsey Co. waterbodies
Scott Co. waterbodies
- Spring (70005400) | LakeFinder | Minnesota DNR
- Thole/Schneider (70012000) | LakeFinder | Minnesota DNR
Washington Co. waterbodies
- St. Croix River (Stillwater to Mississippi River) | LakeFinder | Minnesota DNR
- Lake St. Croix (Stillwater | LakeFinder | Minnesota DNR
- Note: Those not planning pregnancy and boys/men over 15 years old fishing in these waters should limit consumption of buffalo and channel catfish to one meal/month per existing guidelines
- White Bear (82016700) | LakeFinder | Minnesota DNR
Safe-eating guidelines
Fish from all sources can contain contaminants. You should consider store-bought and locally-caught fish when making choices about eating fish. Minnesota Safe-Eating Guidelines for eating fish depend on the fish you eat and who you are. If you are pregnant, planning to be pregnant or have children, you and your children need to be more careful about the kinds of fish you eat and how often you eat fish.
By following these guidelines, you can lower your exposure to contaminants in fish, and still get the benefits of eating fish.
- First check Waterbody Specific Safe-Eating Guidelines to see if there are more restrictive guidelines for fish species you catch in MN lakes and rivers.
- Next check Statewide Safe-Eating Guidelines for general guidelines for fish from Minnesota waters or the store/restaurant.
Waterbody Specific Safe-Eating Guidelines provide advice for lakes and rivers where fish have been tested and contaminant levels in some fish species are higher. Follow the MDH Statewide Safe-Eating Guidelines, except for species listed in the Waterbody Specific Safe-Eating Guidelines.
Some lakes and rivers in the East Metro Area of the Twin Cities have advice to not eat fish due to high levels of PFAS substances in fish and/or water.
- People Who Are or Could Become Pregnant, People Who are Breastfeeding or Plan to Breastfeed, and Children Under Age 15, Lakes (PDF)
- Men, Boys Age 15 and Over, and People Not Planning to be Pregnant, Lakes (PDF)
- To search by lake name, use the Department of Natural Resources (DNR): LakeFinder
- People Who Are or Could Become Pregnant, People Who Are Breastfeeding or Plan to Breastfeed, and Children Under Age 15, Rivers (PDF)
- Men, Boys Age 15 and Over, and People Not Planning to be Pregnant, Rivers (PDF)
Lake Superior
Statewide Safe-Eating Guidelines are based on mercury and PCB levels measured in fish throughout Minnesota and on levels of mercury found in commercial fish. They also take into account findings of low levels of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) in fish throughout Minnesota. Not all waters in Minnesota have been tested for contaminants in fish.
When choosing which fish to eat, some people need to be more careful than others. It's important you make your fish choices based on who you are.
Young children (under 15 years old) and fetuses are more sensitive to mercury. Too much mercury can cause lasting problems with understanding and learning. However, studies show children benefit developmentally when moms eat fish low in mercury during pregnancy.
Video: New information for women to choose the best fish
How clean a lake looks is not a sign of how safe the fish are to eat
Mercury is found in most fish – both locally-caught and store-bought.
- How much mercury is in fish depends on:
- Species. Some fish have more mercury than others because of what they eat and how long they live – Bass, Northern, and Walleye have higher levels than panfish.
- Size. Smaller fish generally have less mercury than larger, older fish of the same species. Unlike people, fish do not get rid of mercury.
- Fish from lakes in northeastern Minnesota generally have more mercury than in southern and central Minnesota.
- Fish bought at a store or restaurant also contain mercury. Farm-raised fish, such as salmon, are low in mercury but can contain other contaminants that may be found in fish feed. The amount of contaminants is small enough that farm-raised salmon are still good to eat 2 times a week.
Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) is found at low levels in fish throughout the state. Higher levels have been found in fish from some waters in the metro and Duluth areas. See also PFAS in fish from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are highest in fatty fish such as Carp, Catfish, and Lake Trout from major rivers and Lake Superior.
See Contaminants and Minnesota Fish for more information.
A typical fish meal is made up of 1 serving of fish. MDH's Safe-Eating Guidelines give advice for the number of servings of fish to eat per week or month.
Body Weight | Weight in ounces of uncooked fish | Approximate weight after cooking |
50 | 3 | 2.25 |
70 | 4 | 3 |
90 | 5 | 3.75 |
110 | 6 | 4.5 |
130 | 7 | 5.25 |
150 | 8 | 6 |
170 | 9 | 6.75 |
190 | 10 | 7.5 |
210 | 11 | 8.25 |
- One piece of sushi is about one ounce.
- A fast food fish sandwich is typically between four and five ounces of cooked fish.
- A serving of fish is based on the body weight of the person eating the fish. For example, ½ pound (or 8 ounces) of uncooked fish is one serving for a 150-pound person. Eight ounces of uncooked fish is equal to about 6 ounces of cooked fish.
- To adjust meal serving size for a heavier or lighter weight person, add or subtract 1 ounce of fish for every 20 pounds of body weight.
Monthly fish menu ideas: Examples that meet Statewide Safe-Eating Guidelines
Month 1 1 meal of halibut AND | Month 2 1 meal of canned white tuna AND |
Week 1 2 meals of salmon | Week 1 1 meal of salmon AND 1 meal of catfish (farm-raised) |
Week 2 1 meal of MN-caught bluegill | Week 2 1 meal of MN-caught crappie |
Week 3 1 meal of canned light tuna | Week 3 1 meal of MN-caught crappie |
Week 4 1 meal of catfish (farm-raised) AND 1 meal of tilapia | Week 4 1 meal of herring AND 1 meal of tilapia |
Month 3 1 meal of MN-caught walleye (less than 20 inches) AND | Month 4 1 meal of tuna (steak) AND |
Week 1 1 meal of shrimp AND 1 meal of tilapia | Week 1 2 meals of salmon |
Week 2 1 meal of MN-caught bluegill | Week 2 1 meal of salmon AND 1 meal of crab |
Week 3 1 meal of pollock AND 1 meal of cod | Week 3 1 meal of light canned tuna |
Week 4 1 meal of salmon AND 1 meal of scallops | Week 4 1 meal of catfish (farm-raised) AND 1 meal of tilapia |
Note: Where the guidelines recommend one meal per week or month, you may prefer to have two smaller sized meals over that week or month.
Fish Consumption Information in Other Languages
Translation of Minnesota Statewide Safe-Eating Guidelines (Spanish, Hmong, and Vietnamese)
Fish Consumption Guidelines from the 2024 MN DNR Fishing Regulation booklet (PDF)
English version: Eat Fish often (PDF)
English version: Choose Your Fish – Recommendations for Women & Children (PDF)
English version: Eat Fish often (PDF)
Xaiv kev noj qab nyob zoo, noj tej ntses uas muaj cov kua hlau nyaum tsawg (low mercury) (PDF)
English version: Choose health, low mercury fish (PDF)
"Talk about Fish and Way of Eating Fish"
Produced by Foung Heu, Filmmaker
Narrated by John Ny Vang, Executive Director of the Capitol Sportsmen Chapter of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association
- Hmong Video: Talk about Fish and Way of Eating Fish
- Script in English for "Talk about Fish and Way of Eating Fish" (PDF)
Shorter segments of Hmong Video: "Talk about Fish and Way of Eating Fish"
For more information on fishing in Minnesota, visit the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource’s Fishing page.
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